Friday, March 6, 2009

Tuesday March 3rd Dreck

The fat-ass drug addict this morning referred to the Democrats treating voters like children, hopelessly and aimlessly following their elected officials. Let's not forget two of Rush's tactics of him  treating his listeners as children. 1)He intentionally mislead the ditto-heads before the 2006 mid-term elections. After the elections admitted that he didn't believe in the Republican candidates and felt "liberated and free" after the GOP lost control of the house because now they can focus on getting the right/conservative candidates on future elections. 2) What he thought was a stroke of brilliance, "Operation Chaos." Little did he know that he could have actually helped Obama get elected with Operation Chaos. For those who don't know what Operation Chaos was, in short it was Rush's attempt to string along the primary process between Obama and Hillbilly with the theory being that the GOP and McCain would have the time and resources to focus on the general election. But a funny thing happened on the way to the White House for President Obama. He was forced mostly by Hillbilly not dropping out of the race and conceding and partially by the small legion of ditto-head/children who obeyed their daddy by voting for Hillbilly to lay a foundation in battleground states the Dems didn't have history of winning. You sure showed Rush.

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