Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Had less than five minutes to listen to Limboner today due to commercials and little amount of errands to run. My two favorites little turds he floated out on the airwaves this morning were:
 1) His critique that Geithner has failed. He's been on the job less than two months during the most challenging financial crisis in almost 80 years and according to C cups he has failed. Give it a little time, pop some Oxycontin to mask your pain, it's going to be OK. Let's not forget that he was Hank Paulsen's (G-dub's appointment) hand picked guy to succeed him and President Obama realizing that the economy had to be his number one priority to hit the ground running once he took office needed someone who had knowledge of the current crisis from the inside and could make the transition as seamless as possible.

 2) Rush mentioned that there wasn't a single Republican that voted for the bailout on the first vote and the AIG bailout terms were on that first vote. He's right if in his parallel universe 65 Republican House members is equal to not a single vote. The first vote was rejected 228-205, with the voted breaking down: D- 140 Yes/95 No
& R- 65 Yes/133 No. The number of no votes was pretty close between the Dem's (95) and GOP (133). But the biggest vote in favor of the first bailout wasn't from a member of the house Dem's or Republican's but it was from none other than G-dub himself who tried to beg and plead with house Republican's to pass the bill. The Dow dropped almost 800 points (777 to be exact) and the bill eventually passed. It was good to see the GOP firmly entrench their feet in the sand and stand their ground. Do you think it had anything to do with the upcoming elections? No dismissed as chance.

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