Monday, March 9, 2009

Dreck from Monday's show

Here goes for Monday, March 9th:

1) Limboner mentioned President Obama's reversal of stell cell research funding quickly on his way to a commercial. He mentioned that the difference in this and President Bush's stance on stem-cell research was that Obama's plan could come from taxpayer money. Well, ladies and gentlemen (this is me speaking now) diseases/conditions like: leukemia, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis and forms of cancer don't determine whether or not they strike based on how much or if you do pay taxes. The above mentioned afflictions affect all taxpayers whether you have to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatments out of pocket because of lack of insurance or your insurance premiums go up because of your insurance company paying for treatment for others who share your insurance or people who qualify for public assistance for treatment, that also comes back to taxpayers.

2) C-Cups got on the topic of Jim Cramer and how he thinks our current financial crisis is being affected by the hysteria in the media. Rush asserted that this is just another example of the drive-by media. Rush has tethered himself the phrase "drive by media" for years. I looked up two different definitions of drive by media and here's what I found:
Wikipedia - Drive by media/media bias- pervasive or widespread bias
Urban Dictionary - Drive by media- sensational, scandal seeking and agenda coverage.

Well, by those definitions, even if you split the difference they sound like every Limbaugh broadcast.

3) There was a story about President Obama wanting to set the record straight w/The New York Times about a comment he had on socialism. The High Waister said, "Only he (Obama) can get away with that. If I tried that people would go crazy."

Doesn't this kind of fly in the face of his "awe shucks, I'm not the mouthpiece or leader of the Republican Party. I'm just a guy saying what I believe in and standing up for my principles." 
He is comparing himself with being misunderstood or misquoted with that of the President of the United States. Wow, I think only thing bigger than Rush's ego might be his girdle.

4) Towards the end of the show, Rush told a female caller that the Left when it was found out that Pilot Sullenberger was a Republican put up signs about him being a goose killer. This just smelled as wrong as the top of his control top hose after a round of golf in hot/humid Florida before an OxyContin drop-off in the Denny's parking lot. I couldn't find anything to support this but what I did find was pretty funny:
-There is a bar in New York that serves a drink called "The Sulley." The drink has two
  shots of Grey Goose and a splash of water.
-There was a spoof story (ala The Onion) about Sulley being brought up on charges
  on killing geese but it was clearly a harmless joke.
-Finally there was one quack (yes, pun absolutely intended) who was defend the birds
 and not the "precious, shiny airplanes." This person was clearly nuts or it was a 
 horrible attempt at humor.
But you know what, none of there opinions were directed at Sulley because he was found out to be a Republican like Rush asserted.

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