Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday March 19th & Friday March 20th

Here's a brief rundown of what I heard Limboner talking about Thursday:
1) He went on about AIG being Obama's scandal despite the fact President Obama has said time and time again that he will take responsibility for anything that happens on his watch, including the AIG fiasco. I don't think Rush knows how to handle himself when a politician of intelligence, integrity and foresight is the object of his venom. What I didn't hear Rush mention was the interview his new buttboy, Eric Cantor did when he admitted that the stimulus bill wasn't read by members of the Congress from both sides of the aisle. If you don't read a contract you approve aren't you acting somewhat in compliance with the contract you signed. Before I signed a lease for my business I had a lawyer go over line by line of the contract, translate it, address concerns and then do the same with my landlord to change anything I was uncomfortable with before signing and agreeing to the terms of the lease.  The stimulus bill was over 1100 pages long so each member couldn't have read it cover to cover but if they broke up into 15 groups and handled 29 pages apiece with contract law/public policy lawyers and then update all 435 members of Congress, every page could've been given it's due diligence. 

2)C cups keeps beating this drum that President Obama is using a strategy of getting the people against achievers. This is a direct contradiction from Limbaugh's stance early in the week that the "egghead, Ivy League, Wall Street, Obama liberal cronies" are going to ruin this country.

3) Fatty Arbuckle Jr. harped on Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendel for hiring a PR man part-time to address the stimulus/bailout. Not a bad idea by Rendel to keep consumer confidence above water in  these trying times. Limbaugh acted shocked that Rendel was hiring a PR "firm" when it's actually one guy working part-time. Rush might need a reminder of the PR firms hired to do a hit job on Dem's.
 DCI, a PR firm used by the GOP was hired to slam Al Gore after he was getting adulation following his positive press from "The Inconvenient Truth." DCI was funded by Exxon in the Gore hit. A quick note, I like how the right fought against global warming until they finally relented when GOP strategist Frank Lutz coined the term "climate change" so the right could have a dog in the fight as well. 
PR firm Russo, Marsh and Rogers was hired by the GOP and operated as to go after Michael Moore for his sci-fi thriller "Fahrenheit 911."
And let's not forget the Oscar of GOP PR work, the Irving Thalberg lifetime achievement award for the most significant piece of work to alter a presidential election goes to Merrie Spaeth for the Swift Boat Veterans campaign against John Kerry. 

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