Saturday, April 11, 2009

Weekend Edition

Wasn't able to listen to his "plumpness" too much this week but when I did hear was the usual dreck he normally spews. The point of contention came from the high waister being upset that President Obama is getting, in his opinion "undue credit" for any economic turn around our country may/will have. Rush keeps beating the same right wing talking points mantra that the economy will correct itself. He's right but the damage in the interim would be so severe we would probably be considered a third world country during the depths of the turn around. 

This got me to think of a common theme I hear from the right. This let the economy correct itself and stay the course philosophy is a recipe for disaster, in short it's a losing mentality. With anything that is fundamentally flawed and simultaneously faltering a do nothing, hope for a correction of course attitude will fail. In a business it would go belly up, a sports team would be an absolute laughing stock and in a relationship it would at best be stuck in neutral and at worse slowly devolve. In a sense the right when in recently in power or given the opportunity to decide the direction of the country would whether it was the war in Iraq or the economy "hope" for things to turn around. Relying on Hope, wow that sounds very Obamaian.  

The right will never give credit to President Obama for anything he does to help the economy but will magnify any shortcomings with the economy but in all fairness the left did the same to Gdub the previous ocho anos. But what gets me is the left and specifically President Obama is being vilified by the likes of the Floridian Fat Ass for being proactive and pragmatic with attempting to solve the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. But when you need something big done have it done by the liberals. Let's not forget liberal thinking freed the slaves, gave women the right to vote and was the driving force behind the civil rights movement. Also don't forget a Democrat got this country out of the Great Depression which occurred on a Republicans watch, lead our country to the greatest military victory in modern history in World War II and put a man on the moon. And the current Democratic Party is going to fix a financial mess that ballooned out of control while the Republicans were the dominant party, re-invent our joke of a healthcare industry and completely change our energy policy transforming us from being a country reliant on foreign fuel to a country completely self-reliant with energy.

Until next time, see ya.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blog dedicated to America's most infamous fat ass drug addict and the dreck he spews from the FIB (Fallacies In Broadcasting) Radio Network.

Didn't have a lot of time to listen the Fat One this week but what I did catch, I noticed a theme he was fixated on. The theme was the automotive industry and Rush's assertion that President Obama actually enjoys to punish executives and rich people. Limboner believes that the recent firing on Rick Wagoner as CEO of GM was because Obama wants a sacrificial lamb and he relishes in the misery of any high ranking executive having to leave their post in shame. Rush tried to make Wagoner out to be an innocent victim who was bullied by the new socialist leader of the Peoples Republic of America. Wagoner was relieved of his duties with a huge severance package because he ran GM into the ground.

Since he was promoted to CEO from CFO in 2000, GM lost $85 billion, their stock price fell from $60 per share to $1.27 (not quite available on the McDonald's value menu) and their market share dropped by 10% AND GM was given a ton of bailout money. Wagoner was simply a representation of all the American automobile car maker's in that they were so completely out of touch with what the market was in need of and was getting crushed by foreign companies. It absolutely blows me away that American automobile companies could make cars that Americans wanted to purchase. The only thing they did right was with SUV's and trucks but they knew that bubble would eventually burst. And when it did they had nothing to fall back on. It reminds me of the old Churchill quote," American's will eventually do the right thing when they are out of all other options." 

Earlier in the week the High Waister said the problem with the automobile makers was they had too many finance guys and not car guys running the company. Well, Limboner Wagoner who he so vehemently defended this week was a finance guy, CFO before CEO. And Rush who has been banging the drum against business schools because in his parallel universe in his pain killing induced gray matter between his hearing impaired ears forgets to note that his butt boy of the week Wagoner was a Harvard MBA. This is consistent with another one of C-Cup's themes, his attacks on public sector bureaucrats while endlessly defending the high stakes game of grab-ass with private sector old boys, secret handshake bureaucracy. It would be a valid point of view for Rush but the private sector failed us all but he'll never own up to it.

Rush rambled on later in the week about the death of the Hummer. At first I thought he was referring to a dry spell in the romance department he was going through but he was actually referring to that truck-car-SUV thing. Rush said it was symbolic of America and is now dying because the liberals are to blame. Much like the liberals killing a car they are killing America. Hey, douche-tard, GM announced almost a year ago they were killing the Hummer brand and for all we know President McCain could have been the murderer for the Hummer. 

All the car and Hummer talk gets me thinking about the right's obsession with oil and petroleum products. From plastic which is used for credit cards that get millions indebted to banks, to petroleum jelly which to no avail to Tom Delay he slicks himself up to slide out of trouble but it looks like he greased up to slide back into the limelight as a new talking head on television or the petroleum jelly used by Larry Craig in restroom's across the country, oil and petrol is the equal opportunity crush of many men, women and children of all colors, shapes, sizes and ethnicities to the right. I'm convinced that if a can of barrel of oil actually ran for president it could probably get 10% of the vote. It's cool harm the environment but lube it up baby!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Playing catch-up from this week...

I had a busy week and contrary to the high waister's belief, this liberal was living of the government cheese, I have a pretty busy life and job so I'll play catch-up from this week, here goes:
1) America's favorite Indian whistling wimp, Bobby Jindal spoke about wanting President Obama to fail. A few quick side notes about Jindal. When he speaks he really stresses his "S's, " it's to the point where it's so distracting you can't focus on his content. I imagine him practicing "Suzy sells shells down by the seashore" over and over before any public appearance. I don't know how he can be taken seriously as a tough politician, the wimp factor is so off the charts that he really has zero shot of being a legitimate personality for the Republican party. He makes President Obama look like Mike Tyson. On last superficial critique of Jindal, why don't people give him crap about him changing /Americanizing his name to Bobby from his given birth name of Piyush. Mr. Cup's Limbaugh gave President Obama a hard time for going by Barry Obama in his youth. Is Jindal off limits? If he's going to change his name to Bobby, I'm going to refer to him as "Barbara" this isn't a sarcastic/oppositional  jab at his  overwhelming masculinity he exudes, I just think he Barbara fits.

On to a morsel of his meat and potatoes from a recent speech of his. He defended the extreme strain of the right wing that openly wants president Obama to fail. Barbara said it isn't right to label those who wish failure upon Obama as being unpatriotic. Well, sounds like somebody can handle a taste of their own medicine because that is precisely the exact same stance many talking heads from the right used against any Dem's that were in opposition to the war in Iraq. Grow a pair boys and for you Barbara, girls.

2) The GOP keeps talking about how horrific President Obama's economic plan is going to be for the country but once again the right doesn't have an alternative plan themselves. They are turning into a bunch of pathetic Monday morning quarterbacks. That is actually insulting to Monday morning quarterbacks because MMQ's usually have an alternative plan and valid critique as to why team "x" blows. 

3) The Fat One keeps at it with his phony teleprompter outrage. Possible President Obama wants to sound like he actually has a command of the English language unlike the previous President who navigated his way through a speech like somebody would navigate their way through a rice patty, trying to avoid certain death. Is it just me or did you hear the intro. banjo strumming of the opening of Deliverance whenever Gdub spoke off the cuff. By the way how long before the right idealogues try to get the actual teleprompter impeached, where is Ken Starr when they need him?

4) Limboner spoke to a caller who was the wife of a Wall St. employee who was being recruited by international firms. She spoke of how prevalent this currently is in the financial sector. Rush agreed with what she was saying about how it could be bad for talent to get recruited away top American companies and instead work overseas because of the loss of tax revenue, hey when in doubt with the argument always come back to taxes. My response was of total disbelief, say it ain't so, say it ain't so, please, please, let's keep all the "top talent" here in the US. They did such a great job to lead our economy to where it is today. There's no way we as a country can go on without the brilliant established minds of Wall St. leading the way. We should just give them a raise and increase their bonuses for their unprofitable companies while shareholders get raped of their life savings because we "have" to keep the "talent."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday March, 24th

Rush was criticizing President Obama's toxic asset plan with the same song and dance. Aside from the obvious to the nearly brain dead lobotomized monkey intellectuals that the toxic assets need to be taken off the respective balance sheets. Rush is trying to distance himself from large blocks of the GOP but Limboner and the GOP have the exact same strategy: 1) Say no to whatever President Obama proposes and 2) Don't have an alternative plan. 

The sad thing for true conservatives and the GOP in general is that there aren't any new ideas coming from them and this is precisely the time when they need a new plan and strategy. All the current "influential" Republicans had zero influence over the last eight years. The only thing they did was be a rubber stamp for the Gdub gang (Gdub, Darth Cheney, Rumy, Turd Blossom). They ran the party with little concern for the rest of the party, thrashed the metaphorical house and left town w/their middle fingers in the air to the Dem's and their own party. While they complain they zero room to do so with any sort of respectability because if their principles actually worked, most likely we would have President McCain and our economy wouldn't be in the dumper.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday March 19th & Friday March 20th

Here's a brief rundown of what I heard Limboner talking about Thursday:
1) He went on about AIG being Obama's scandal despite the fact President Obama has said time and time again that he will take responsibility for anything that happens on his watch, including the AIG fiasco. I don't think Rush knows how to handle himself when a politician of intelligence, integrity and foresight is the object of his venom. What I didn't hear Rush mention was the interview his new buttboy, Eric Cantor did when he admitted that the stimulus bill wasn't read by members of the Congress from both sides of the aisle. If you don't read a contract you approve aren't you acting somewhat in compliance with the contract you signed. Before I signed a lease for my business I had a lawyer go over line by line of the contract, translate it, address concerns and then do the same with my landlord to change anything I was uncomfortable with before signing and agreeing to the terms of the lease.  The stimulus bill was over 1100 pages long so each member couldn't have read it cover to cover but if they broke up into 15 groups and handled 29 pages apiece with contract law/public policy lawyers and then update all 435 members of Congress, every page could've been given it's due diligence. 

2)C cups keeps beating this drum that President Obama is using a strategy of getting the people against achievers. This is a direct contradiction from Limbaugh's stance early in the week that the "egghead, Ivy League, Wall Street, Obama liberal cronies" are going to ruin this country.

3) Fatty Arbuckle Jr. harped on Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendel for hiring a PR man part-time to address the stimulus/bailout. Not a bad idea by Rendel to keep consumer confidence above water in  these trying times. Limbaugh acted shocked that Rendel was hiring a PR "firm" when it's actually one guy working part-time. Rush might need a reminder of the PR firms hired to do a hit job on Dem's.
 DCI, a PR firm used by the GOP was hired to slam Al Gore after he was getting adulation following his positive press from "The Inconvenient Truth." DCI was funded by Exxon in the Gore hit. A quick note, I like how the right fought against global warming until they finally relented when GOP strategist Frank Lutz coined the term "climate change" so the right could have a dog in the fight as well. 
PR firm Russo, Marsh and Rogers was hired by the GOP and operated as to go after Michael Moore for his sci-fi thriller "Fahrenheit 911."
And let's not forget the Oscar of GOP PR work, the Irving Thalberg lifetime achievement award for the most significant piece of work to alter a presidential election goes to Merrie Spaeth for the Swift Boat Veterans campaign against John Kerry. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Had less than five minutes to listen to Limboner today due to commercials and little amount of errands to run. My two favorites little turds he floated out on the airwaves this morning were:
 1) His critique that Geithner has failed. He's been on the job less than two months during the most challenging financial crisis in almost 80 years and according to C cups he has failed. Give it a little time, pop some Oxycontin to mask your pain, it's going to be OK. Let's not forget that he was Hank Paulsen's (G-dub's appointment) hand picked guy to succeed him and President Obama realizing that the economy had to be his number one priority to hit the ground running once he took office needed someone who had knowledge of the current crisis from the inside and could make the transition as seamless as possible.

 2) Rush mentioned that there wasn't a single Republican that voted for the bailout on the first vote and the AIG bailout terms were on that first vote. He's right if in his parallel universe 65 Republican House members is equal to not a single vote. The first vote was rejected 228-205, with the voted breaking down: D- 140 Yes/95 No
& R- 65 Yes/133 No. The number of no votes was pretty close between the Dem's (95) and GOP (133). But the biggest vote in favor of the first bailout wasn't from a member of the house Dem's or Republican's but it was from none other than G-dub himself who tried to beg and plead with house Republican's to pass the bill. The Dow dropped almost 800 points (777 to be exact) and the bill eventually passed. It was good to see the GOP firmly entrench their feet in the sand and stand their ground. Do you think it had anything to do with the upcoming elections? No dismissed as chance.

Monday, March 16, 2009

This morning his fatness got a tangent about President Obama and the Ivy League Elitists/eggheads he now buddies around with and are running/responsible for this country and Wall Street. They are somehow simultaneously elitists and socialists. I think we've been down this road before, prior to the election?  He mentioned a few times that he's not trying to make this class warfare but it reminds me of when a professional athlete says that the new contract they want has nothing to do with money. Translation it has everything to do with money, so the more C cups mentions it has nothing to do with class warfare, it really has everything to do with class warfare. 

If you read between his highly delusional lines, Rush is doing a very funny/sad thing here. He is creating a new narrative for all the ills of what could be wrong with our country, the educated. He's trying to make education the new enemy his ideological crusade. He's also stealing a page out of the Democrats playbook from the recent election. The Dems effectively waged a class warfare campaign by making it the middle class vs the rich, corporatist, unfettered greedy ultra conservative Republican, Bush soldiers.  The classic have's vs. the have not's, President Obama made it the greed the enemy while Rush is making education the enemy and the highly educated academics vs the common folk red states. He is getting downright laughable, "Ladies and Gentlemen make sure to tip your servers. I'll be here I'll week."

It's getting pathetic to see the GOP with absolutely zero vision or leadership on how to get some semblance of stewardship out of their current state. Think about it, everything recently they have done or are trying to do has either been reactionary or blatantly plagiarizing the Dems: Palin-reaction to initially get Hillary votes
Michael Steele- Hmmm, do you think this was a reaction to the first black president?
Bobby Jindal- Hmmm, do you think him being selected to give the GOP's first                  response to President Obama  was a reaction to the first ethnic sounding
                         dark skinned highly educated Ivy League President elected?
Rush's new class warfare- copying an effective model the Dems used to win back the
  White House and the House of Reps. and the Senate?

It's time for the GOP to re-invent themselves and they have absolutely zero idea how to do it. The country is passing them by and they don't know how to either jump on board or power their own train. It kind of sad, it reminds me of when I took a trip to Prague a few years after their velvet revolution and seeing the elderly walking around confused, not knowing how they could fit into the new society. The world they knew had completely changed and I'm happy to say so is ours.