Saturday, April 11, 2009

Weekend Edition

Wasn't able to listen to his "plumpness" too much this week but when I did hear was the usual dreck he normally spews. The point of contention came from the high waister being upset that President Obama is getting, in his opinion "undue credit" for any economic turn around our country may/will have. Rush keeps beating the same right wing talking points mantra that the economy will correct itself. He's right but the damage in the interim would be so severe we would probably be considered a third world country during the depths of the turn around. 

This got me to think of a common theme I hear from the right. This let the economy correct itself and stay the course philosophy is a recipe for disaster, in short it's a losing mentality. With anything that is fundamentally flawed and simultaneously faltering a do nothing, hope for a correction of course attitude will fail. In a business it would go belly up, a sports team would be an absolute laughing stock and in a relationship it would at best be stuck in neutral and at worse slowly devolve. In a sense the right when in recently in power or given the opportunity to decide the direction of the country would whether it was the war in Iraq or the economy "hope" for things to turn around. Relying on Hope, wow that sounds very Obamaian.  

The right will never give credit to President Obama for anything he does to help the economy but will magnify any shortcomings with the economy but in all fairness the left did the same to Gdub the previous ocho anos. But what gets me is the left and specifically President Obama is being vilified by the likes of the Floridian Fat Ass for being proactive and pragmatic with attempting to solve the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. But when you need something big done have it done by the liberals. Let's not forget liberal thinking freed the slaves, gave women the right to vote and was the driving force behind the civil rights movement. Also don't forget a Democrat got this country out of the Great Depression which occurred on a Republicans watch, lead our country to the greatest military victory in modern history in World War II and put a man on the moon. And the current Democratic Party is going to fix a financial mess that ballooned out of control while the Republicans were the dominant party, re-invent our joke of a healthcare industry and completely change our energy policy transforming us from being a country reliant on foreign fuel to a country completely self-reliant with energy.

Until next time, see ya.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blog dedicated to America's most infamous fat ass drug addict and the dreck he spews from the FIB (Fallacies In Broadcasting) Radio Network.

Didn't have a lot of time to listen the Fat One this week but what I did catch, I noticed a theme he was fixated on. The theme was the automotive industry and Rush's assertion that President Obama actually enjoys to punish executives and rich people. Limboner believes that the recent firing on Rick Wagoner as CEO of GM was because Obama wants a sacrificial lamb and he relishes in the misery of any high ranking executive having to leave their post in shame. Rush tried to make Wagoner out to be an innocent victim who was bullied by the new socialist leader of the Peoples Republic of America. Wagoner was relieved of his duties with a huge severance package because he ran GM into the ground.

Since he was promoted to CEO from CFO in 2000, GM lost $85 billion, their stock price fell from $60 per share to $1.27 (not quite available on the McDonald's value menu) and their market share dropped by 10% AND GM was given a ton of bailout money. Wagoner was simply a representation of all the American automobile car maker's in that they were so completely out of touch with what the market was in need of and was getting crushed by foreign companies. It absolutely blows me away that American automobile companies could make cars that Americans wanted to purchase. The only thing they did right was with SUV's and trucks but they knew that bubble would eventually burst. And when it did they had nothing to fall back on. It reminds me of the old Churchill quote," American's will eventually do the right thing when they are out of all other options." 

Earlier in the week the High Waister said the problem with the automobile makers was they had too many finance guys and not car guys running the company. Well, Limboner Wagoner who he so vehemently defended this week was a finance guy, CFO before CEO. And Rush who has been banging the drum against business schools because in his parallel universe in his pain killing induced gray matter between his hearing impaired ears forgets to note that his butt boy of the week Wagoner was a Harvard MBA. This is consistent with another one of C-Cup's themes, his attacks on public sector bureaucrats while endlessly defending the high stakes game of grab-ass with private sector old boys, secret handshake bureaucracy. It would be a valid point of view for Rush but the private sector failed us all but he'll never own up to it.

Rush rambled on later in the week about the death of the Hummer. At first I thought he was referring to a dry spell in the romance department he was going through but he was actually referring to that truck-car-SUV thing. Rush said it was symbolic of America and is now dying because the liberals are to blame. Much like the liberals killing a car they are killing America. Hey, douche-tard, GM announced almost a year ago they were killing the Hummer brand and for all we know President McCain could have been the murderer for the Hummer. 

All the car and Hummer talk gets me thinking about the right's obsession with oil and petroleum products. From plastic which is used for credit cards that get millions indebted to banks, to petroleum jelly which to no avail to Tom Delay he slicks himself up to slide out of trouble but it looks like he greased up to slide back into the limelight as a new talking head on television or the petroleum jelly used by Larry Craig in restroom's across the country, oil and petrol is the equal opportunity crush of many men, women and children of all colors, shapes, sizes and ethnicities to the right. I'm convinced that if a can of barrel of oil actually ran for president it could probably get 10% of the vote. It's cool harm the environment but lube it up baby!